Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vacation Time, Last "BIG" Sale!

This week you are going to find a ton of stuff on sale. This is the last "BIG" sale we are having before we leave for vacation. Get your orders in now before the prices go back to normal.

Anything you see that I do not have on sale, contact me, and we can work up a deal.

Our vacation schedule this year is the same as last year (In a rut). I will be shutting the store down on 10/02/2010 sometime in the morning. You will not be able to place any orders after that. We plan on returning sometime around 10/18/2010 (weather permitting). Please make sure if you are planning to place an order, get it in before 10/02/2010. I will make one last trip to the post office on the morning of 10/02/2010.

I will be sending out reminders in a couple weeks....